Joyce Street Cottages LLC.
Joyce Street Cottages at it’s inception was designed to be housing for older adults and young professionals who desired a location near a vibrant urban core or up-to-date suburban shopping mall and medical facilities. Due to Increased land costs associated with property inside the city limits, the developer needed property located on the fringe of the City of Fayetteville’s growth area. Due to a lack of infrastructure provided by the city, the Aqua Tech System made perfect sense for this development.
It allowed for a community plan that minimized the yard maintenance that many people in these demographics desire. The density attained allowed for a housing plan that fostered a sense of community, an appeal to those who preferred a single family home to multi-family housing development.
Eliminating the need for septic systems, the Aqua Tech System serves the entire community. As with conventional municipal sewer systems the Aqua Tech system includes collecting, treating and reusing wastewater It involves a four-step treatment process and the environment's natural ability to enhance the treatment. Meeting standards as defined by the AR Department of Environmental Quality, the result is highly treated wastewater which is beneficial for irrigating a portion of the open space in the community.
Wastewater is collected by means of conventional gravity lines and pumped to a partially buried trickling filter treatment units. This technology was selected due to the biological nature of the treatment process, it is noted for its reliability, lack of odor and limited maintenance requirements. Treated to secondary standards the wastewater then enters into a final settling tank process for additional removal of microscopic organisms. Only after a thorough analysis by a certified state soil scientist and design by a licensed engineer, can the treated effluent then be dispersed at a precisely designed rate below ground for additional treatment, a proven technology that has been used for more than 40 years.