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Waterford Estates LLC.

Blending some of the unique concepts of Open Space Residential Design with Low Impact Development, the developer for Waterford Estates opted to increase real estate value in the subdivision rather than decrease infrastructure costs. In addition to the aesthetic benefits the Aqua Tech System provided, the developer was successful in minimizing some of the Waterford Estates meets the EPA’s guidelines for "Protecting

Water Resources with Smart Growth." which states: “Decentralized systems can support smart growth in rural areas, or in mountain and coastal areas experiencing growth in the number of second homes. In areas where clustering homes and conservation subdivision design are growth tools, localities are likely to experience better operation


and maintenance in onsite systems, as several homes are responsible for and dependent on their functioning. These designs can also conserve open space and reduce the amount of other infrastructure needed to serve new development.”

Designed to handle 95,000 gpd residential waste or the potential of 400 homes this treatment plant meets effluent requirements of: 10 mg/l BOD / 15 mg/l TSS / 3 ammonia. This exceeds the requirements as set forth by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality for drip disposal systems. As shown in the photograph, this drip disposal space preserves the open space character in the scenic rural area of Eastern Fayetteville and protects against the negative impacts associated with urban sprawl. By fostering Green Growth initiatives, implementing smart growth concepts such as this will help the City of Fayetteville meet its vision of becoming a center for sustainability

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